
Miranda Fan



News: Prizeo Campaign #TakeTheMic with Freestyle Love Supreme

[ Written on September 03 2019 by Francesca ]

On September 03, Lin-Manuel Miranda lauched a new Prizeo campaign, #TakeTheMic, to support Planned Parenthood Action Fund and International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region. By donating 10 dollars, it’s possible to win the chance to see Freestyle Love Supreme on Broadway Opening Night, go to the after party and meet the crew.

Let him explain the new contest in the video and the note below.


P-P-Prizeo! I’m back and this time I brought the whole Freestyle Love Supreme crew with me. All of us are thrilled to support Planned Parenthood Action Fund and International Planned Parenthood Federation!

My mom, Dr. Luz, is on the board of Planned Parenthood Action Fund. With access to reproductive health care and sex education under attack, we wanted to raise our voices to support these amazing organizations. They’re doing important work throughout the U.S., the Caribbean and Latin America.

Enter to win the grand prize of joining us on Opening Night of Freestyle Love Supreme on Broadway! You and a guest will receive round-trip flights plus accommodation at 1 Hotel in NYC, tickets to the show and afterparty, AND you’ll get to hang with me and the rest of the crew. But let’s face it, it’s Dr. Luz you want to meet… and she wants to meet you too! This night is gonna be one for the books.

Supporting Planned Parenthood Action Fund and International Planned Parenthood isn’t just about women — Planned Parenthood health centers around the world provide care to everyone who needs it, no matter where they are from or how much money they have. This is truly every person’s issue.

Join us to #TakeTheMic and support these amazing organizations.


Lin-Manuel and the FLS Crew

Video: His Dark Materials BBC Trailer and new still

[ Written on September 01 2019 by Francesca ]

BBC released a new trailer of His Dark Materials, with new glimpses of Lin-Manuel Miranda as Lee Scoresby, and announced who will voice some of the daemons and the armoured bear Iorek Byrnison. Scoresby’s daemon, Hester, will have the voice of Cristela Alonzo.

Check below the trailer, and in our Gallery you can find a new still and digital scans of TV Guide.

Video: Lin-Manuel Miranda shares his Sesame Street Memory

[ Written on August 14 2019 by Francesca ]

Lin-Manuel Miranda has many memories with Sesame Street and he’s sharing a few of his favorites in a new video.

Check it below!

Video: Lin-Manuel Miranda at the San Diego Comic Con Entertainment Earth booth

[ Written on August 02 2019 by Francesca ]

Lin Manuel Miranda stopped by Entertainment Earth booth at SDCC to launch a brand new Pin Mates set dedicated to the original Broadway cast of In The Heights, tell how his first Comic Con was going and talk about what’s next for his career.

Coverage: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Experience activation at the San Diego Comic Con

[ Written on July 21 2019 by Francesca ]

At the San Diego Comic Con, Lin-Manuel Miranda made a surprise appearance at the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Experience activation on July, 20.

Check the photos in HQ in our Gallery and the video below.

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