Site Update: New decade, new look for Lin (Manuel) Miranda Fan!

News: LinMirandaCom is on Instagram
The title is explicative: we have an Instagram account now!
Follow us on linmirandacom for highlights of that gold mine that is our Gallery.
Site Update: New Look for Lin (Manuel) Miranda Fan!

Check all our pages and follow us on Twitter!
Gif via Tumblr.
Site Update: Lin (Manuel) Miranda Fan is Back!
Hello everyone!
After a little over a few months offline, I have decided to bring Lin (Manuel) Miranda Fan back! Our gallery was updated with what come out while we were gone, as well as some that we had been missing before.

Make sure you follow us on Twitter @LinMirandaCom for upcoming updates.
Site Update: Happy Birthday Lin!

Lin (Manuel) Miranda Fan would like to wish him a happy birthday spent with family & friends, hoping for bigger and more successful years to come!
Following Lin’s wish, if you’d like to celebrate his birthday and give him something, please consider donating to http://mariposadrfoundation.org Or http://everytown.org Or http://broadwaycares.org.